Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Oncoming Calamity

Sick Week Companions ~
My trusty companions. Can you guess which item was for Mommy?
Snot, sweat, puke, and poop - that about sums up the last nine days of my life.

The plague descended upon our little home, and all three kids fell ill, one after the other. Like a high-speed freeway pile up, we saw it coming and knew there was just no hope.

Not a chance in hell of avoiding the oncoming calamity.

Honeybee was first, then Mister, and finally Mac. And we slogged through it.

There were piles of laundry, counters caked with Children's Tylenol, snotty blankets on every surface, and a sink full of contagious sippy cups.

Nothing got vacuumed and we subsisted off of whatever food could be scrounged up from around the house, which worked out nicely since no one had much of an appetite anyway.

Bathing was hit and miss. I'm pretty sure I wore the same pair of socks for four days straight. And Mac projectile vomited right into my face. {FYI: no amount of wine will make you forget such a thing. Ever.}

But today, it all came to an end. I'm certain of it, and Good Lord, please let me be right for once.

Mister returned to school after a week, and Mac's fever and eye gunk has finally subsided. We're caught up on laundry, and I've managed to find my way out of a hoody and yoga pants and into something that resembles an actual outfit. Definitely still look like a train wreck, but a train wreck in jeans, dammit!

So, there you have it.

It hasn't been glamorous, and certainly not brag-worthy, but there is a modicum of satisfaction in making it out with my sanity intact.

And, honestly, I should have expected something like this to happen. It does every year. We don't do half-ass around here, not even when it comes to the plague.

Go big or go home! ;)

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